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Soutien du chagrin
Faustina Chan
Né àGuyana
70 years
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Livre Commémoratif
Dillon, Veronica and Caleb
Mom, I wanted to wish you a Happy Mothers Day. We love you very much. Love Dillon, Veronica and Caleb.
Ronaldo Chan
We miss you and love you Mom! Heaven received a beautiful soul this day so many years ago.
Ron and Girls
I can’t believe it’s 11 years already! We miss you very much Mom- we know you are in heaven looking down on us! Love you very much
Dillon Chan
Hiya there, missing you lots but knows you’re watching down from heaven. Things are better this year, a lot has changed. Love you
Dillon Chan
Mom, I miss you. Writing this year is hard for me. Its just me this year, just me. I'm sorry. I love an miss you each day.
Ron and Family
Dear Mom, it's been 9 years since you left and went to heaven. we miss you very much. Love you- from all of us.
Dillon & Izlau
Mom, wishing you a Happy Mother's Day. We love and miss you dearly. Love you.
Ron and Family
Mom, It's been 8 years since you left and went to Heaven. You are still remembered every single day. We love you. RIP Mom.
Dillon Chan
Mom, I wanted to wish you a Happy 78th Birthday. I love you very much. I can't believe its been 7 years since you left us :(.
Ron and my girls.
Mom, Was just thinking about you! I love you and miss you very much. Say hi to dad for me and let him know I love him .
Dillon Chan
Mom, its 2014 and so many years have gone by. I miss you. It still feels as though I lost you yesterday. I miss you forever.
Dillon & Izlau
Happy Birthday Mom. We miss you very much. I hope you're having a blast in Heaven. Love Dillon & Izlau
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