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Faustina Chan
生于 Guyana
70 years
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Ronaldo Chan
Mom,  Each and every day I remember the beautiful moments shared with you. You were one of kind and can never be forgotten. Todays is May 6, 2008, last year this day May 6, 2007, you were with us on your last day on earth, I could just call and speak to you. Its hard to imagine after this day passes, I can not  look back at last year this day and say my mom was with us this time last year. An entire year has now passed, and I have reflected alot this year on the moments spent with you last year when you were with us comparing the months your were with us in 2007 to 2008.   I know you are now in a better place now, that Jesus took you to heaven and made you an Angel to look over your family. But I still miss you the earthly way, will never forget about the greatest mother one can ever have. I love you and will preserve the memory of you forever.  Ron
Notes from your son.

05/07/08 - Mom...as I awaken this morning, 5/07 replayed in my mind.  I miss you so much. I wish you were here; remember how we made plans on how you would be coming to my wedding.....I want you there next year..I wish you were here. I love you mom..


06/04/07 - Mom - I miss you so much.  I miss our talks on the phone each and everyday. You ment alot to me and no one can never fill that void in my hear.  I love you mom.  Spending christmas was wonderful, you were so much much.  I miss you mommy, I miss you.


10/23/07 - I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday - I wish I can tell you this over the phone as I always do. I miss you mom.  There hasn't been a day that went by that I haven't missed you.  We use to talk everyday about every thing. I miss that so much. I am sure your having a big party in Heaven with the Angels - Just know I will always love you forever and you will never be forgotten. - Dillon

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